Computer Humor: Problem Solving and Blame Avoidance Flowchart

One item that I recently pulled from my collection of ancient photocopied humor was the Problem Solving Flowchart. I really couldn't post it here without cleaning up the language. As long as I was changing it, I thought why not rewrite it to give the poor programmer a break. You see in the original version if you broke "it" and couldn't blame anyone else you got stuck in an infinite "you poor fool" loop, although fool wasn't the descriptive term used in the original. I also modified the chart to use standard flowchart iconography. For example the original used a box rather than a diamond for decision points.

So here is my own G-rated Problem Solving and Blame Avoidance Flowchart where all roads lead to a happy ending.

     Problem Solving and Blame Avoidance Flowchart
                /                  \
               (        START       )
                \                  /
                        / \
                       /   \
                      /     \
                     /       \
                    /  Does   \
           Yes     /   the     \    No
       -----------<   Program   >--------------------
       |           \   Work    /                    |
       |            \    ?    /                     |
       |             \       /                      |
       |              \     /                       |
       |               \   /                        |
       |                \ /                         V
       V                 +                          +
----------------                                   / \    
|  Then        |                                  /   \   
|  Don't Mess  |                                 /     \  
|  With It     |                                /       \ 
|              |                               /   Did   \
----------------                     Yes      /    You    \     No 
       |                         ------------<    Change   >------------
       |                         |            \    The    /            |
       |                         |             \ Program /             |
       |                         |              \   ?   /              |
       |                         |               \     /               |
       |                         |                \   /                |
       |                         V                 \ /                 V 
       |                         +                  +                  +
       |                        / \                                   / \
       |                       /   \                                 /   \
       |                      /     \                               /     \
       |                     /       \                             /       \
       |                    /  Does   \                           /  Will   \
       |             No    /  Anyone   \    Yes           Yes    /   You     \   No
       |         ---------<   Know You  >----------   ----------<   Get In    >------
       |         |         \    Did    /           \ /           \  Trouble  /      |
       |         |          \    ?    /             |             \    ?    /       |
       |         |           \       /              |              \       /        |
       |         |            \     /               |               \     /         |
       |         |             \   /                V                \   /          |
       |         |              \ /                 +                 \ /           |
       |         V               +                 / \                 +            V
       |   ----------------                       /   \                      -------------
       |   | Hide         |                      /     \                     |    No     |
       |   | All Evidence !                     /  Can  \                    |  Worries  !
       |   | of Your      |                    /   You   \                   |   Mate    |
       |   | Involvement  |             Yes   /   Blame   \    No            |           |
       |   ----------------           -------<   Someone   >-------          -------------
       |          |                   |       \   Else    /       |                 |
       |          |                   |        \    ?    /        |                 |
       |          |                   |         \       /         |                 |
       |          |                   V          \     /          V                 |
       |          |             ----------------  \   /    ----------------         |
       |          |             | Rehearse     |   \ /     | Rehearse     |         |
       |          |             | Plausible    !    +      | Groveling    !         |
       |          *-----*       | Denial and   |           | and          |         |
       *-------------*  |       | Finger       |           | Excuse       |         |
                     |  |       | Pointing     |           | Making       |         |
                     |  |       ----------------           ----------------         |
                     |  |              |                           |                |
                     |  |  *-----------*                           |                |
                     |  |  |  *------------------------------------*                |
                     |  |  |  |  *--------------------------------------------------*
                     |  |  |  |  |
                     V  V  V  V  V
                  /     DONE         \
                 (  IT'S LATTE TIME   )
                  \                  /

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